The job role of a window cleaner often requires them to clean the windows from the exterior side of the building. There is no arguing the fact of how dangerous this task truly is for the individual. Homeowners and business owners should keep in mind certain aspects of window cleaning as it involves the safety of the professionals they hire.
They can ensure that the company they are hiring makes all due considerations for their employees' safety.
There are various tasks involved in the process of window cleaning in Daylesford such as washing the windows, cleaning the frames and perhaps even removing snow from the surface of the glass. All these steps make the job highly concerning for the individual, necessitating the need for proper precautions and safety measures.
Continue reading to know more about the risks and safety standards involved in Window Cleaning.
✔ What Window Washers Should Keep in Mind
Clients hiring window cleaning should attempt to ensure that the staff members sent by the cleaning company do not meet with any fatalities while working on their property. Here are certain tips which window washers should follow;
✔ Keep Track of their Physical Well Being
Window washers receive handsome pay for cleaning windows at tall heights. However thrilling this feat may be, it entails high risk. The workers taking up window cleaning consignments must bear in mind that a medical emergency can take place at any time if they are not careful.
Therefore, window cleaners must be in proper physical health and seek out treatment in case they are ill. Cleaners who are not keeping fit should be prevented from working as window cleaners.
✔ Get a Good Night's Sleep
A window washer often spends hours moving from window to window using only scaffolds and ladders without the safety of any railings. When one is climbing up multiple stories and making precise movements over long hours there is little room for error. Lack of sleep due to regular night shifts can make matters worse for the individual. Even a slight gap in concentration levels can magnify the risk of making a fatal mistake, without the safety of a harness to break their fall.
✔ Follow Strict Safety Measures
It is not entirely accurate to claim that most window washers work under-equipped. There are several reliable cleaning contractors and companies that spend significantly on training and equipping their window cleaners. They provide them with high-quality safety equipment like harnesses, safety nets and helmets. However, even if they follow extremely strict measures to reduce the risk to their safety, they are still potentially prone to significant injuries and even death.
✔ Use Reliable Safety Equipment
One of the best ways to ensure that window cleaners have a fair chance of preventing injury or their demise is by employing proper safety equipment like nets and harnesses. The client should at least check with the cleaning company whether they provide their workers with the necessary safety equipment. If not, then it is better to invest in such tools to prevent any tragic mishaps.
✔ Not Take Uncalculated Risks
When one is performing window cleaning tasks that demand immense precision, there is little room for taking unsolicited risks. The cleaners should be investigated whether they adhere to strict protocols and procedures, and use safety equipment like scaffolds and ladders. Such equipment should be checked for any structural flaws before use. If a ladder snaps under too much pressure it can spell serious trouble for the cleaner working at tall heights.
✔ Take Time to Heal any Injuries
If a worker has suffered any injury, serious or otherwise it is best advised that they seek immediate medical attention and refrain from work until their injury is fully healed. In other instances, if the injury was sustained while on the job, the worker can expect to be compensated by the cleaning company.
✔ Few Helpful Tips Window Cleaners and Property Owners Should Keep in Mind
A cleaner should never use abrasive materials on windows and window frames as it can result in scratches.'
If a razor blade needs to be used to scrape off construction residue, paint or other substances like bird feces, they should ensure that the surface is wet.
Acid cleaners should be used with the utmost confidence, and should only be used for extreme circumstances like the removal of hard water spots. They must wear protective gear like gloves and goggles. They must take care not to damage the frame or wall located under the windows. An absorbent towel can be placed to prevent the acid from flowing
If ammonia is being implemented instead of acid cleaners then the same precautions still apply. Ammonia can discolor the putty sealant applied on Windows.
Tools like ladders must be used following all proper procedures.
Home and commercial property owners will always require clean windows for aesthetic and structural purposes. It is among the most essential service under house wash cleaning in Daylesford and should be hired regularly to lessen the need to bear more expensive long-term costs.